The week that just past has been absolutely incredible! It's actaully even difficult to explain hwo great it was, but I'll give it a shot ;)
I spent the week with Felipe in Valencia!
Fallas is a big celebration in Valencia, and it took place the week I was there:)
Fallas is actually the name of some huge figures. These figures are placed all over the city! Here's some of them:

I think this one was my favourite:

cool, eh? ;)
Each Falla had people that were responsible for it , and they brought flowers as an offering to the Virgin Mary....
This Mary is made out of flowers!!
The last day of the celebration the fallas' were burned down:
Oh, and 8 oçlock every morning there was this 'wake-up-call' in the streets; Brass bands and fireworks... It was crazy! I think it's probably the most efficient 'wake-up-alarm'in the world! The first morning I just couldn't help myself, and I just started laughing, it just felt so absurd! hihi! :) But after some days it was somehow not that funny anymore...
Pretty much the whole week there were fireworks every hour of the day!! However during the day it was not about how beautiful it can be, but how loud it can be!!! At 2 o'clock something called Mascleta took place; just a super loud firework-thing... The biggest one was in the city center, but there were also smaller ones around in the city, like here for example in Felipe's street:
Before it started.....

It was so indescribably loud, and a crazy echo was heard throughout the whole city!!
Each night from Monday till Thursday a beautful firework-show in the center! It's hard to explain how amazing it was, even pictures come a bit short... Just try to imagine;
LOADS of people gathering at a big square, all lights are being switched off (even traffic lights!), and the best pyrotechnicians in the world put together a great combination of colors and sound! Do you get the idea?

Spectacular lighting in the center!

The biggest Paella I've ever seen!

And since we were in Valencia we had to eat some paella as well....

The little, cute girl next to me is wearing a spanish cultural-outfit. Loads of women and children wore dresses like these everyday of the fallas..

There was of course also time for some shoe-shopping! :)

BULLFIGHT! I'm sure it can be discussed wheter or not bullfights are a 'good' spansih tradition or not... However I chose to skip the discussion and just conclude in that it was entertaining!!! 3 hours and 6 bulls passed (away) super quick!

The bull lost....
I wish I could turn back time and live that week over again.. But well, now I'm back in Groningen, trying my very best to finish my bachelor thesis, and then the 9th of April I'm moving from Groningen....
Hugs from Ingrid