søndag, april 27, 2008

Since the last time I wrote....

...it's finally spring in Groningen! So much more fun biking to school when there's colour on the threes!:)
...I've started taking classes in wallclimbing! and it's soooo much fun!:)

....some people from my class and I learned how to make sushi! :)

...we've had the first picnic this year!:)

...I've been in a wedding! :)
It was probably the most multicultural wedding I' ll ever attend!
The bride is Dutch, wearing an indian dress (the green one), the groom is from Burundi (playing the drums). The bride is a muscis therapist and the groom is studying jazz-drums. In other words it was a wedding with a lot of music!:) And I even got the opportunity to use some of my afrcian dance moves, he he:)

They even managed to find a black groom for the wedding cake:)

Let me present: Mr. and Mrs Ciza!:)

....I've started a new block! This block is about the nervous system. I think this video is our teachers favourite :

... Lene won the Miss Norway competition!:)

...det e mor sin bursdag i dag!!:) HIPP HURRA!:) Gratulere! Du e den beste moren i heile verden!:)

Stoooooor klem fra Ingrid

søndag, april 13, 2008

Dette gjorde min søndag veldig bra:

- eg va i kjerkå
- eg forstår mer og mer av innholdet i de Nederlandske sangene!:)
- eg snakte lenge med Hanne og Paulette på skype!
- solå skinte
- eg va i godt humør
- en venn som studere jazz fant plutselig ut at eg liten spontan konsert va tingen!:)
- tanken på at eg ikkje har en einaste eksamen neste uke!:)
- Rio diska opp en veldig god asiansk rett:)
- en herlige samtale med to gode venner!
- Rommet mitt e ryddig som bare d!
- eg kan velge heilt sjøl når eg vil stå opp i mårå! (eg har egentlig ingen planer om å sove veldig lenge, men eg kunne ha gjort d hvis eg ville.. :))
- eg har en god seng som bare står å vente på at eg sga legge meg i an!:)

torsdag, april 10, 2008

a BE-A-UTIFUL morning!:)

I'm finally finished with all my exams for this block!:) YAY!:)
Week 9 and 10 of each block is a time for exams. This block I finished all my exams in week 9, so I'm kind of off next week. But I decided to take a course in oedema and lymfdrainage, so I'm not off off, but I'm looking forward to the course and I don’t have to take an exam for it, so then it's fine!:)

I had three exams one oral theoretical (and I got a 9!! Very happyJ ), one practical and one DUTCH!
Almost can't believe it myself that I've actually had a Dutch exam, sounds cool, he he:)

Since I came back from Austria, it's been so busy!! I feel that the only thing I've done the last couple of weeks is sitting with my head in books and papers and every now and then we've been practicing on our practical skills! But now I'm DONE for this time and I love the feeling!:) It soon noon and I'm still sitting in my pyjamas, listening to music, reading e-mails, facebook, blogs etc..... Lovely!:)

Tonight a Dutch student organization has organized a "Dining with the Dutch" evening for international students :) I think it will be fun! :)

Oh, I also have to write about the conference in Austria which was AMAZING! We had so much fun! Met a lot of new people, attended meetings, workshops, going for walks in Linz..... :) Enjoyed it, big time! :)

I travelled with a friend of mine. On our way back we had some time to walk around in Vienna, and we were flying with Ryanair from Bratislava so I also got to see a tiny bit of Slovakia...
Our plane flew to Bremen, we came half an hour to late for the bus in Bremen which was going to Groningen, so we had to wait 6 hours in Bremen as well! Fortunately we had a friend there, we called her, she picked us up at the airport and then we got a "guided" tour in Bremen as well! Nice! :)

I'm not the most "art- interested" girl in this world, but art like this fascinates me! (From a museum in Vienna)
Do you get it?
Is Rio very short or are doorhandles in Vienna placed very high?
Explanation of Vienna:

The dining hall at the conference:

LINZ (culture capital of Europe 2009)

The river Donau


6 days in Autria, this is everything I brought with me:

Those that have seen my trying to pack a bag for going away, knows that this is, phu, WOW,
he he:)

Now I'm really going to enjoy this coming week before the next block starts, the weather is really "springish"- johooooo- I love this day!:)

Btw. vote for Lene as Miss Norway: http://www.froken.no/dueller/fn06