søndag, april 27, 2008

Since the last time I wrote....

...it's finally spring in Groningen! So much more fun biking to school when there's colour on the threes!:)
...I've started taking classes in wallclimbing! and it's soooo much fun!:)

....some people from my class and I learned how to make sushi! :)

...we've had the first picnic this year!:)

...I've been in a wedding! :)
It was probably the most multicultural wedding I' ll ever attend!
The bride is Dutch, wearing an indian dress (the green one), the groom is from Burundi (playing the drums). The bride is a muscis therapist and the groom is studying jazz-drums. In other words it was a wedding with a lot of music!:) And I even got the opportunity to use some of my afrcian dance moves, he he:)

They even managed to find a black groom for the wedding cake:)

Let me present: Mr. and Mrs Ciza!:)

....I've started a new block! This block is about the nervous system. I think this video is our teachers favourite :

... Lene won the Miss Norway competition!:)

...det e mor sin bursdag i dag!!:) HIPP HURRA!:) Gratulere! Du e den beste moren i heile verden!:)

Stoooooor klem fra Ingrid

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Takk Ia,jammen har eg ei flott jente og!Takk for kort i posten i dag.Savnet deg i helgen.Kjekt med ny blogg,du opplever mye! Pass godt på søster i helgen og KOS dere masse.klemmmmer fra mor

Torill sa...

Heia Ingrid!
Det e så kjekt at du oppdatere ofte sånn at me får se koss du har det! Og våren i Nederland såg heilt nydelige ut! Her i Bergen e det masse sol for tiå, selvfølgelig komme an nå når det e eksamenstid... Kati komme du hjem te Norge?
Nå ska eg baga brød og ittepå må eg ut og nyda veret!
Stay blessed and keep blogging :p

Klem i fleng fra Torill!